Thursday, April 30, 2020

End of April 2020

Holy Toledo I made it to the end of April.  Time is dragging on here in quarantine.  
What day is it again?  
I received cards this week!  One day it will be none and the next day it will be many.  The mail service is very unpredictable these days, understandably so.

From Michigan, adorableness...

From Illinois... 

Super sad card from Austria -- a Postcrossing meetup that was canceled due to the coronavirus.  :(

From South Carolina...

From Germany... Brauweiler Abbey, located near Cologne.  Founded in 1024.

Harry Potter from Germany...

Cuteness from Kuopio, Finland...

Relaxation from Finland...

Love from Massachusetts, USA...

Game of Thrones from Great Britain...

Game of Thrones from China!  This is the first card I've received from China in many months.  It is a hopeful sign that this whole thing will indeed get better and pass!

Much Love

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