Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cards Received May 14 and May 16, 2011

I received 3 cards last Saturday, May 14th and have neglected to blog or register them until now.  My bad?  I try really, really hard to register all my cards within 24 hours so I feel just a little guilty about being late this time.  I offer up my most humble apologies and this, my meager excuse... I didn't feel like it, I was tired.  Sometimes I just wanna do what I wanna do and nothing else, ya know?  All I did yesterday was watch movies with my girls, clean the house a bit, and then go grocery shopping.  Big excitement at Angie's house, I know!  I'm a party girl, what can I say?  :o)

Beautiful private swap from New Zealand - Wow!  "The splendid view of the Remarkable's with the Earnslaw steaming on Lake Wakatipu at Queenstown."

Private swap from Indianapolis, Indiana.  "Every Memorial Day Weekend race fans gather from the world over to see the latest in automotive excellence put to the ultimate test."  Very cool card to have even though I'm not a fan of that kind of racing.  I rather like NASCAR but really only for the crashes.  Lol!  I noticed the new USA postcard rate stamps.  "Sage" of the "Herbs" collection.  Pretty, but not very exciting.

LV-34428... The Dome Cathedral and its pipe organ in Riga, Latvia.  That is breathtaking!  Can you imagine sitting there and listening to the magnificence of that organ?  Wow.  I'd love it. 

I received this one today, May 16th... from the Ukraine, UA-102091... World of Dreams... I love it!


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